Ladies' Ministry

We are a group of women of all ages who gather together to study God's Word, pray, serve and fellowship. We do this through Bible studies, prayer breakfasts and special events. Our special events can be anything from a formal Mother's Day brunch or 'Baby Shower' supporting Another Way Pregnancy Center, to a fun morning of painting pottery where our only goal is to connect and strengthen friendships. For 2021, we look forward to celebrating who God is, who we are in Christ and how those truths impact those around us.
Our younger mothers also gather twice a month for MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers). MOPS meets every other Wednesday morning during the school year, and is an awesome opportunity for moms to meet, de-stress while their kids are in childcare here at the church, enjoy great food and fellowship, talk about the burdens and blessings of mothering, and learn from the Bible how to be better wives and mothers. For more information, check out the MOPS website at: www.mops.org.
Our ladies' ministry is led by Mrs. Kelly Monette. She may be reached at: kelly@legacychurch.us.